Running Screenings

What is a Running Screening?

Running screenings are an assessment of important biomechanics required for running. The goal of the assessment is to highlight any weaknesses or restrictions that may be contributing to or have the potential to contribute to a running-related injury.

Who is it for?

A running screening can be for all runners, old or young, social or competitive. We have developed different screenings so that your experience is tailored to your running level and your goals. If you are often running through niggles, new to running and looking to improve your 5km time, or a junior athlete looking to take your athletics more seriously, a screening will help you achieve these goals.

What does it do?

Running at any level is a high load sport and unfortunately, injuries are often part of a runner’s story. Our goal is to identify areas in your body which may be at increased risk of injury with running due to weakness, tightness or instability. By identifying these areas and developing a personalised program, we can reduce the likelihood of injury and help you to achieve your running goals. Whilst we may discuss your running technique, this is primarily the role of a running coach. Following the screening, we can liaise with your coach to work as a team to improve your running.

Do I need an injury to do a screening?

Not at all! Our screening is used to highlight any areas that may potentially contribute to an injury. We then use the results from the screening to create an individualised exercise program. This may include stretches, mobility exercises or strength training.

However, if you happen to have an injury whilst performing the screening, it may also help to highlight to you the reasoning behind the injury.

How will I know if I am improving?

During the screening, you will be given a program to help improve any areas of concern. Depending on the findings, we often recommend following up with the Physiotherapist after a few weeks of the program to assess progress and make any necessary changes. 

Why do a Running Screening at Sports Physio Ulladulla?

Our Physiotherapists have all been involved with everything from social to elite level runners. With experience working with Athletics NSW and many national level athletes, we have developed this screening utilising this experience with the number 1 goal of keeping you running.